Sunday, February 13 –Super Bowl Challenge

As our Confirmation students – Rihanna Baldwin, Natalie Lane and Chloe Strunk, learned about the importance of the follower named Paul and that he wrote letters to the early churches encouraging them to action, they were assigned to write letters to the congregation of Hope UCC.

This past Sunday, each student read their letter during worship and challenged the congregation to an action around what their letter was passionate about. Over the next week, the congregation is challenged to:

  • Collect 56 pairs of underwear, socks, bras, and used jeans to help support Family Helping Families and the jeans will help make blankets for those that have such a need
  • Collect 56 cans of soup and 56 boxes of cereal to help with food insecurity
  • Write 56 things that help make Hope UCC a special and unique place to invite people to come and join us for worship, fellowship, mission and ministry

The number “56” was chosen as this will be the 56th Super Bowl.

Please prayerfully consider how you can help make this coming Sunday a Super, Souper Bowl as we support our Confirmation Class in their efforts to promote mission and ministry through these calls to action. Thank you!