On Sunday, June 5,  containers of M&M’s were distributed and the Stewardship Committee asks in return is that the containers come back filled with a financial gift, above and beyond your pledged or normal giving amount, to help us Sweetening the Deal over the summer months.  Additional containers are available in the main entryway.

Bring your filled container with your additional gift any time before September 11 ; place your name in the container if you want to have it listed on your contribution statement; and put the container in the offering on Sunday morning.


The goal set forth by the Stewardship Committee is an additional $500, each week during the next three months.  This is above the needed $3125, as per our approved budget for 2016.  The goal equals just $5.00/week for each giving unit of our congregation.  However you do it, make an investment in our financial health, in our mission and in our ministry here at Hope UCC.  Thank you!