The new Sunday School year is quickly approaching! Our new acting Christian Education Coordinator, Raven Rowe, is looking for any and all volunteers who want to help in making this year’s program amazing. For all those interested in continuing as Hope UCC’s terrific teachers, please look for email correspondence regarding the plans for this upcoming year. And if you have not previously shared in the blessing of teaching in our prior years, we offer all those interested this invitation to come and join in sharing the sacred stories of our faith with all the beautiful children in our congregation. For more information, please contact Raven at
Calling All Hope UCC Parents: Sunday School is quickly approaching, beginning with our Kick-Off Sunday on September 11th. In the next few weeks, our acting CEC (Raven Rowe) will be sending out email communication to all the Hope UCC parents who have previously participated in either Hope UCC’s Sunday School sessions or Hope UCC’s VBS. Raven will be emailing parents to inquire as to which of our community’s beautiful children might be blessing us by participating in this year’s Sunday School program. Registration will take place through the verification emails of each child’s confirmation and updated information. If you know of a youth that has not previously participated in Sunday School but that might be interested in the future, or if you have any other questions related to the Sunday School program, please feel free to contact Raven Rowe at