Thank you to the Building and Renovation Team who has worked diligently over the last two years in order to prepare us for this exciting time as we begin our first phase of our building and renovation project, which includes painting and carpeting the sanctuary, entryway and main hallway.
Thank you to everyone who stayed to help on Sunday to get things taken down, put away, stored, and moved. It was amazing to watch a three year-old working to loosen a screw and an older adult carefully wrapping one of the crosses that had been displayed in the entryway.
The painting team, DA Bunch Co, began their initial work on Monday, January 8. They will be removing old wall paper, making needed repairs to parts of the ceiling and wall spaces, and painting the areas mentioned above. This work is estimated to take two or three weeks. Once this work is completed, the team from Randy’s Carpet will begin installing the new flooring in those areas; this work ought to begin on January 29 and will take approximately two weeks or so.
There is still opportunity to give to this renovation project. Please mark your gift, “Renovation 2018” and place it in the offering plate. Do not miss out on a chance to make a difference in making our space more welcoming and inviting for all of us and for our guests.