Highlights of Missions at Hope for 2019
- Completed 50 Blessing Bags for Olivet Neighborhood Missions
- Sent Valentine cards to Hope members who are homebound to let them know we’re thinking of them
- Collected 189 clothing items for the Health Office at Hiawatha Elementary
- Celebrated Earth Day by making a craft with the Sunday School kids at Hope
- Set up a booth at Pride 2019 at Newbo in Cedar Rapids
- Collected 402 school supplies to help Hiawatha Elementary and Harrison Elementary start off their school year
- Supported our Global Missions Child, Santhosh, for his year of schooling in India
- Donated a total of five mats for people who are homeless to Olivet and Waypoint
- Personal care items donated to Olivet and 30 pounds of single-serve food donated to Operation Backpack
- Gave Christmas gifts and a food basket to a family of seven through Hacap’s Adopt-A-Family program
- Collected Box Tops and Hy-vee receipts for Hiawatha Elementary
- Donated 105 quilts to the Linus Project and 7 quilts to Waypoint
- Donated 886 pounds of food to the Linn Community Food Bank
- Gave 20 Santa For Seniors gifts through Home Instead
- We used our coins from the offering to fund the Global Child mission year, which was $420. In addition, we paid for shipping shoes for the African Shoe Project, our booth and water bottles at Pride, as a $100 donation to Operation Backpack. Thanksfor your support on donating items for specific projects as well as faithfully giving coins!