There have been several requests to start a book club at Hope UCC for members & friends. Nancy Kotalik and Laura Ogreen will spearhead this new endeavor and be your contact person(s) should you want to sign up. Initially we will meet the 2nd Mon of the month at 5:00 pm. The first meeting will be Monday, June 11th. We can review other details of the group at this meeting.
When you arrive we will have a choice of two books to look at/evaluate, and decide as a group on one book for reading. We are getting these in ‘Book Club Kits’ from the public libraries in Cedar Rapids, Marion, or Hiawatha. If anyone would like a large print book or an audio (book on CD) we can try to get that; some are available-pending the title. Books must be checked out through Laura or Nancy and we will have them for up to five weeks.
We plan to discuss the book the following month (2nd Mon. of the month) and distribute new books. One does not need to read each book chosen by the group, meaning you can opt out for that choice of books, and visit (book club ) another time. We will meet in the entryway to sit in comfy furniture where we can share light discussions on the book read the previous month. We can decide each month what type of book we want to read, and we will have a list or link to share for those interested.
If interested or have questions, please contact: