Pick a Peck of School Supplies!
Our August Missions focus will be school supplies for Hiawatha Elementary and Harrison Elementary as we gather the top 7 most needed school supplies at these schools are:
- Crayons
- Wide-ruled spiral notebooks
- Glue sticks
- 2-pocket folders
- Markers
- Tissues
- Dry-erase markers
Maybe you’ll see some great sale prices on some of these items! SHOP4HOPE/SCRIP cards to Wal-Mart, Target, and Office Max/Office Depot can be purchased on Sunday morning in the main entryway from Bob and Kathy Lander. Purchasing these cards allows Hope UCC to benefit while you help the children at Hiawatha and Harrison Elementary Schools benefit as well.
Watch for bushel baskets to collect the supplies in the entryway. Let’s help kids succeed with these important learning tools!