One Great Hour of Sharing

~ Jane Buck, Stewardship Chairperson

Your Stewardship Committee had plans to promote our One Great Hour of Sharing offering that was to be collected on March 22. The envelopes are still in the March 15 bulletins and the banks that were to be handed out to the Sunday School students are still flat and are not shaped into offering boxes. Alas, as you know those plans had to be changed. However, the need for your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing has not changed. In fact, it may now be even greater than ever. Floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters will still occur and now, folks who have lost their jobs will be even less able to deal with other disasters. I personally drove through Nashville, TN a week after the tornado hit there. By that time, the United Church of Christ had already sent over $100,000 from One Great Hour of Sharing funds to help there. Our United Church of Christ congregation in Cookeville, TN acted as a contact site for those needing immediate help. You don’t need an official envelope. Deb Strunk will be happy to deposit your check.  Just mail it to the church and we’ll see that it gets to where it needs to be. THANK YOU in advance.

Attached is a sharing calendar if you’re looking for a way to save for your gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing. You might use it now and send your gift at a later date OR start saving now for next year’s offering!