Mission Projects You Can Do That Can Make a Difference This Week

Mission and ministry opportunities are happening right now even if we are not meeting in our building. Here’s how we can still be proactive in making a difference in our community:

  • If you have not already done so, make a contribution to One Great Hour of Sharing (see announcement by Jane Buck, Stewardship Committee, chairperson) on the importance of this United Church of Christ offering.
  • Leave a surprise note or small gift for your delivery person or mail carrier as they continue to work in the midst of this COVID 19 event.
  • Send a note to the spiritual care departments at Unity Point/St. Luke’s Hospital and/or Mercy Hospital, encouraging them in the midst of their work during this pandemic.
  • Be kind to yourself. Every day write down 3 to 5 things for which you’re grateful. Research has shown this increases happiness 25%.
  • Pay the bill for the person behind you in line at the drive through as you support a local food establishment.

We are the church, gathered and scattered. Make a difference in someone’s life and in this community today!