Council Members, Church Officers and Staff Team Members
Thank you to those individuals who have served as members of leadership teams for Hope United Church of Christ in 2018. A special note of thanks is extended to Melena Urbanowski who has served as our Council Chairperson.
Those who will be serving on our leadership teams in 2019 include:
Council and Church Officers
Julie Anderson Worship and Music
Regan Bloomquist Secretary
Cathy Boeset Gathering Team
Andrew Buck Chairperson
Zayna Evans Youth Representative
Cathy Evers Financial Secretary
Dan Evers Building and Grounds
Denise Gruwell At-large Member
Carrie Lane Missions
Mary Nus Christian Education
Cindi Ohrt Treasurer
Stephanie Rosendale At-large Member
Deb Strunk Financial Secretary
Andrew Buck Choir Director
Regan Bloomquist Office
Tony Geinzer Custodian
Mary Beth Hartenstein Pastor
Mindy Hatcher Organist
Laura Ogreen Christian Education Coordinator
Deb Strunk Accompanist