Updates Regarding Protocols for Worship

As the Council has done throughout these last nearly 16 months, they had conversation at their June 23 meeting about the best practices and protocols for worship in order to keep all who attend worship and use our building as safe as possible.

With continued low positivity rates in Linn County and the state of Iowa, with low hospitalizations involving COVID-19, and the current recommendations by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Council authorized the removal of the spacing markers in the sanctuary and the requirement of face coverings for all persons fully vaccinated. (The CDC regards persons to be fully vaccinated two weeks following the second installment of either the Pfizer or Morderna vaccine and two weeks following the single installment of the Johnson&Johnson vaccine.)

Persons who are not fully vaccinated are asked to continue to wear a face covering while in the building. Vaccination is highly recommended for all persons eligible to receive it.


If anyone has any questions or concerns, please contact Pastor Mary Beth (mbhartenstein@gmail.com or 393-2400) and any member of Council.