Welcoming The Rev. Kristina Roth-Klink

On Sunday, March 14, Hope United Church of Christ will welcome The Rev. Kristina Roth-Klinck to our sanctuary as our guest speaker and worship leader.

The Rev. Kristina Roth-Klinck grew up in Iowa as the daughter of a United Methodist Pastor. After studying at Simpson College, Kristina taught third grade in Fairfield, IA before moving to Dallas, TX to attend Perkins School of Theology. There, she lived in intentional Christian community with the Missional Wisdom Foundation, doing ministry with the homeless friends in East Dallas. Kristina has passion for church revitalization and how we can use our church building in creative ways. Finishing up her last year of seminary, Kristina interned at Missional Wisdom Foundation and White Rock UMC, both of which are finding new ways to do ministry, using the building in creative ways and also starting a new missional church start.

She is a commissioned elder, appointed to Lovely Lane United Methodist Church as their Associate Pastor and at Matthew 25, where she is serving as a Spiritual Cultivator, starting up a diverse progressive new community of faith. Her husband, Ryan, is a native Texan and also a grad from Perkins School of Theology. Ryan is a spiritual director and currently does ministry in a bivocational way, working full time at New Pioneer Co-Op.