Lunch Bunch Sets Dates for Fellowship in February and March

On Friday, January 19, the Lunch Bunch hosted its first fellowship date of the new year at Beck’s Taproom Grill, when sixteen people gathered for good food and conversation.

In February to help celebrate the Chinese New Year, we will meet at Mandarin Spice Asian Grill, 1412 Twixt Towne Road, Marion (next to Pier One) on Thursday, February 22, at 11:30 a.m.

And of course, everyone is Irish as St. Patrick’s Day nears. Therefore we will be going to enjoy the wonderful food at The Irish Democrat, 3207 1st Avenue, SE, Cedar Rapids, on Thursday, March 15, at 11:30 a.m.

Look for a sign-up sheet for these events or contact Pastor Mary Beth, 319-393-2400 or