Holy Week: A Journey from Palm Sunday to Easter

Beginning with the excitement of Palm Sunday through the shadow of Good Friday and on to the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection, Hope United Church of Christ will mark the events of Holy Week with a wide range of services.

On Palm Sunday, March 25, we will create a noisy parade with palms, instruments and “hosannas.” Gather outside our sanctuary at 10:20 a.m. to begin our parade outdoors and then bring it into the sanctuary space. Worship begins at 10:30 a.m. and will feature special music.

This year, we will celebrate Maundy Thursday, March 29. We commemorate the night that Jesus shared a meal with his followers and friends.  Songs and prayers, the washing of our hands, and the sharing of bread and cup will be a part of this special service.

On Easter Sunday, April 1, we celebrate with one service at 10:30 a.m., which will feature special music by Hope UCC Choir and will feature the singing of the Halleluiah chorus.