Before the start of the big game, with all of its festivities, come and celebrate being a part of a community where no matter what team you are cheering for, you are welcomed here. Hope United Church of Christ is having our learning hour for children (Sunday School) beginning at 9:00 a.m. We also have an adult group that meets at the same time, if you want to come and explore topics of faith and living.
Our worship begins at 10:30 a.m. It includes music, song, and prayer. We will celebrate the sacrament of communion that morning with simple pieces of bread and cups of wine or juice, reminders that Jesus shared a meal with his followers.
Hope United Church of Christ is an Open and Affirming congregation, which means we welcome everyone. Yep, everyone because that is what Jesus did. So no matter who you are or where you are in your journey of life or faith, or if you are simply trying to figure it all out, you are invited to come and join us. We’d love that.
So…before the big game, come and join us.